Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Task E - Pitch

Today in Class I presented a pitch to the class on my ideas for the music video and received feedback from the group as to what they feel was good about my idea but also where we may run into a problem that I had not thought about. The opening to the presentation showed an example of another music video that I liked and which I wanted to follow the style of. This video, James Blunt's 'You're Beautiful' involves a number of clever features including shooting the piece in black and white, which I feel would suit the song I have chosen to work with. Another feature is that there are a variety of movement speeds that match the speed and tone of the music. The final feature is that the camera movement is a tracking shot of the performer singing the song. This would be a great feature for me as it adds a great element of performance. The feedback I received was that it was a good idea that could lead to a great production. However on the other hand one problem they felt could happen was that when filming long tracking shots it could be hard to keep the camera still for long periods of time. This could lead to the performance looking unprofessional showing a lack of camera skills. A method of prevention for this could be to use the balancing harness to avoid a bumpy feel to the picture. I took this feedback on board.

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